Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine by Gail Honeyman

Eleanor Oliphant lives on her own, goes to work every day wearing the same clothes, eats the same food, drinks vodka at the weekends to blot out her time off and then goes back to work. She talks to her houseplant and has no friends. Her colleagues think she’s weird and make fun of her, though she doesn’t seem to realise. She’s an oddball, a woman in her 30s who struggles to make connections with others. But then a random act of human kindness forces her to break her routine and her life unfolds in ways she could never have imagined. Like Eleanor herself, I spent the first few chapters wondering if I was going to connect with this book. But then it grabbed me and I couldn’t let it go. I finished it in 2 days and immediately gave it to my mother to read. When I turned up at her house again – earlier than expected – a few days later, she was cross. “Oh Sophie!” she said, unusually irritated to see me. “You’re not supposed to be here for another hour. I wanted to finish Eleanor Oliphant!”  It’s one of those books you’ll finish and then thrust into the hands of your friends and family. Just make sure you don’t turn up as a surprise while they are reading it…

17 thoughts on “Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine by Gail Honeyman

  1. My husband gave me this for Christmas and what a wonderful 2 day read this was. I was struck by Eleanor’s routine driven by loneliness. Desperate and uplifting in equal measure.

    1. Wonderful isn’t it. I’ve yet to hear from someone who didn’t love it

  2. Loved this book but also like you was not sure in the first few chapters. Read til 1 am last night and finished it in bed this morning. Will certainly recommend it to all my friends. I thought the unravelling of her personsality was beautifully done.

  3. We have recently read this for book club and we all loved it ! Thank you for the recommendation Sophie …..keep them coming !

  4. Thank you for another excellent recommendation. I absolutely loved this book – it’s both sad and heartwarming and I kept thinking about it for several days afterwards, which is always a good sign (I think).

  5. I thought that this was an excellent book, I can’t believe it’s a debut novel it’s so good. The story is moving and gripping as well as being funny and emotional. I was reading it on holiday and enjoying it so much that a couple asked what I was reading!

  6. I thought that this was an excellent book, I can’t believe it’s a debut novel it’s so good. The story is moving and gripping as well as being funny and emotional. I was reading it on holiday and enjoying it so much that a couple asked what I was reading!

  7. I too gave this straight to my sister. It’s a slow burner but I was soon hooked.

  8. This book is memorable! Just finished it last night and can’t let it go so am reading bits of it again. So pleased you recommended it.

  9. One of my favourite books of the year. I loved the quirky one liners that seemed to come from nowhere.

  10. I was given this book by my sister and after a slightly slow start couldn’t put it down. Amazing

  11. A beautifully written debut novel; desperately sad yet heartwarming and funny. I loved this book – thanks for the recommendation, Sophie.

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